Matthew Eversole

just another blog


So I've decided it might be a good time to start blogging again. Maybe it's because the weather is beginning to turn to rain here in Texas. I was actually tiring of the sun. Day in, day out, the sun can get to you. Rain makes me feel like getting a good cup of coffee, eating doughnuts, and taking in the grey sky through the window while contemplating my life and the life of others around me. It also makes me feel like writing. I've even attempted poetry on days like today. Not that I ever end up with what could actually be called poetry, just take a stab at it.
I also tend to read more. I've been reading Cormac McCarthy's Suttree lately. It's actually not a very lighthearted book. Full of down and out types. The dregs of society living in the river bottoms of Knoxville, TN. Fiction though it is, it certainly makes one wonder what all McCarthy has experienced. His ability for description is amazing, although he sometimes describes things people may not want to experience so vividly. He's not always a comfortable read, which may be one mark of good literature. As an English major, I've noticed most "good literature" doesn't have a happy ending. So, in a sense I hope my life makes for bad literature.
As of late, it seems my life would actually make for good literature. Not that my life is horrible right now. Just that certain situations are definitely neither comfortable nor cheery. Uncertainty is ever present in a current situation. It's an ominous little companion, uncertainty is. Sitting on your shoulder, waiting for you to panic over it's presence, waiting for you to give it room to grow. It pushes me to remember there is God bigger than me or the uncertainty. So that's a good thing.
Did you know that riding your bicycle in the rain can be fun? It was fun and stress relieving at the same time yesterday. Now, I ride almost every day. My car nor my motorcycle is currently running. But yesterday the grey skies and spitting rain gave me a strange kind of satisfaction of just being out there in it. Even the sound of bicycle tires on wet asphalt was somehow good for my soul. Devon, who I work with, was actually riding with me. Because of his tendency to bow to fashion, he was actually riding in full length jeans, soaked after several short miles. Just all the more entertainment to me. My new fenders, fashion fopaux they may be, kept me from getting totally soaked. They also just fit on the bicycle of a guy with an English degree. Ah, well, enough has been written for one evening. Now I'm off to read what someone else wrote.

You have a lot going for you, but most people will
only remember you for one thing, and a lot of
them will try to copy it. They'll all suck at
it, though. Besides, you've got better stuff.

What band from the 80s are you?
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  • At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Working in the rain on the horse farm or chilly weather makes me feel kinda "tough." A good feeling when you've been a girl all your life. Outdoors is a stress remover.



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